Engage 2016 User Group Conference

I had the opportunity to present at the Engage 2016 user group conference last week in Eindhoven. I was extremely impressed on all levels. Thank you to Theo Heselmans for the opportunity to speak at this event! The session titles, abstracts and links to the presentations on SlideShare are below.
Adm02 Be a Domino Detective: Tackling Your Toughest Performance Problems
Link: http://www.slideshare.net/kkgreene/adm02-be-a-domino-detective-tackling-your-toughest-performance-problems-60128562
Abstract: Become a Domino performance investigator. This session will teach you industry best practices for Domino performance optimization. Learn how to take abstract symptoms like “Notes is slow” and break it down to a resolvable problem. See the methodology and tricks involved to find the true culprit using tools such as semaphore timeouts, memory dumps and server monitoring. Understand what impact running with obsolete tuning parameters can have on your environment. You will learn the best tips to implement along with do’s and don’ts for ensuring your Domino environment will perform optimally.
Adm07 The Health Check Extravaganza for Social and Collaboration Environments
Link: http://www.slideshare.net/kkgreene/adm07-the-health-check-extravaganza-for-ibm-social-and-collaboration-environments
Abstract: Are you concerned about your infrastructure being configured correctly? Do you have problems happen that you don’t know how to prevent? Do you think your servers might have room for improvement? Wonder no more. This session will show you what you need to be looking at to ensure your server environment is running as cleanly and efficiently as possible. You will learn what you need to be looking for in your server configuration, problems found at numerous customer environments and what steps should be taken to remedy the various situations covered in this session. Be preventative, not reactive! Performing a health check is one of the most economical ways to ensure your social and collaboration environments are running properly.
Traveler server with Red status and long running push threads
We had a customer contact us recently about their Traveler server. The server was reporting a status of Red, CPU on the server was extremely high, and there were a number of these errors in the log file:
Traveler: User CN=User Name/O=Org on thread Push-1ca3 has been running for 8820 minutes.
One correlation for the users reporting this error, they were all Android users. No other device types were reporting this error.
In digging a bit deeper, we saw this error for each affected user in the log:
SEVERE Push-14ad9 User Name[Android_f5a7931af273cbdc] ConnectionNotificationSenderGCM$SendMessageRunnable.run#460 There was an issue sending the notification message to the Google Cloud Messaging (GCM) server. 3 attempts to re-establish the connection have failed, so the notification message cannot be sent. You can test network connectivity including firewall settings by trying https://android.googleapis.com/gcm/send in a web browser on this server. Exception Thrown: java.net.SocketException: Connection reset
Running a trace from the physical server the Traveler server is hosted on revealed an inability to connect to https://android.googleapis.com/gcm/send
Google Cloud Messaging (GCM) became available in Traveler It is the default synchronization option for Android devices when they download the or later IBM Verse client.

The fix to this issue is two-fold:
- Enable GCM push via notes.ini NTS_PUSH_ENABLE_GCM=True and restart the Traveler server.
- Ensure the Traveler server can connect to https://android.googleapis.com/gcm/send
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